
Posts Tagged ‘Complexion Defining’

So I have an oily T-zone. What’s new?  So do thousands of other women.  And just like thousands of other women, I’ve searched high and low for that miracle product.  And I think I may have found it or rather them.  My friends, let me introduce you to Boots, a cosmetics and skin care line based in the UK.








I came across Boots one day while shopping in Target (one of my favorite stores by the way) for a new cleanser when a Boots rep came my way.  She asked what I was looking for and yada, yada, yada and the next thing you know I’m going home with the Complexion Defining Deep Clean Mousse.  I tried it that night and I loved it!!  Its foamy in your hand but feels like a cream cleanser on your face and it rinses fairly clean.  So I continued to use it until I left it behind in a hotel on a weekend trip to Austin. So sad…… Any who, I tried to find it at my local Target but no dice.  I found that line, just not that product.  So my search began again because I was too lazy to try another Target.  Fast forward to about a few weeks ago when I was on the prowl for another cleanser after my epic fail with Origins.  I was at another Target and I saw my beloved product.  Yay me!  So not only did I buy the cleanser but I also decided to try the Complexion Refining Toner.  Now let me tell you a little something about this toner.  At glance you may think its a dirty looking but that’s because it contains Amazonian Clay which helps keep oil at bay.  These two products together are great!  But I will say this, I think they work best if you use both day and night.  I’m pretty sure you’re thinking well duh! But it’s not necessarily a duh moment.  On my previous skin regimen I would a more moisturizing toner at night and one a little more drying during the day.  But when using both products night and day in combination with my cream moisturizer, Hope in a Jar by Philosophy (more on that another time), my “glossy” complexion goes down to about a 1 1/2 to a 2 on scale of 10.  And that my friends, I will take on any day!  So ladies and gents, run not walk to your nearest Target.  Well I take that back.  Find one that carries the full line of Boots Botanics and then run, not walk.  But even better, visit Drugstore.com and just be lazy.  Either way you can’t beat the prices of $8.99 and $7.99 respectively for two products that actually work.  So!  Try Boots and put your best face forward.

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